50 Cent announced the premiere time for Pop Smoke’s single with him and Roddy Ricch, sharing what appears to be the final album cover.

Pop Smoke fans were irate when Virgil Abloh revealed the cover artwork he had designed for the rapper’s debut studio album Shoot For The Stars, Aim For The Moon. The artwork has been described as “lazy” and “disrespectful.” Virgil initially explained that, following his past conversations with Pop, he came up with something he thought stuck true to the artist’s vision.

After a ton of online backlash, the cover was scrapped and 50 Cent started sharing a slew of possibilities for the final piece. Uploading somewhere around fifty choices to Instagram, his most recent post seems to reveal the official cover.

“Tonight 7pm Hot 97 @funkflex World premiere of POP SMOKE ft 50cent & @roddyricch She want to fuck with the Woo don’t miss it,” wrote Fif on the ‘Gram. 

The picture he used to announce the new single shows a black-and-white version of Pop Smoke‘s hand holding up a rose, with the moon in the background. A good number of commenters are hoping that this is not the actual replacement, noting that it’s not much better than Virgil’s. 

While this has not been confirmed to be the official album art, it’s possible that Pop’s estate will run with this one, given the fact that 50 Cent used it to make the single announcement.

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