Vixen Amber Rose might have delivered a low-key direct response to ex-boyfriend Kanye West and his obsession with the topic of abortion. The hip-hop model went online this week to speak up for women and defend a woman’s right to choose.
Amber Rose Addresses Kanye West
This week, Muva Rose went to her Instagram page with words about women having to deal with real-life pressures. She also specifically took aim at men feeling like there should be guidelines for reproducing.
“Please stop telling women what to do with our bodies #slutwalk2021” -Amber Rose’s Instagram
The Instagram post received a positive reaction from reality TV star Masika Kalysha.
“I want to tattoo this on my face” -Masika Kalysha
High-Key Details
Heading into last Saturday, friend to Kanye’s wife Kim Kardashian West and popular vixen Larsa Pippen went to her Twitter page to directly reference a woman’s right to choose. While she didn’t name-drop Kanye, her remark came hours after Ye’s abortion tweets.
“If you don’t have a uterus, you shouldn’t have a say” -Larsa Pippen’s Twitter
Wait, There’s More
Heading into last weekend, Kanye returned to Twitter to discuss some thoughts on the abortion topic. In addition to speaking on over 22.5 million abortions happening within the Black community alone, West also shared an article about Planned Parenthood.
“Over 22,500,000 black babies have been aborted over the past 50 years.” -Kanye West’s Twitter
The July 21, 2020 published New York Post story about Planned Parenthood of Greater New York centered its attention on controversy surrounding one of the pro-women’s choice organization’s founders Margaret Sanger. More specifically, Sanger reportedly supported selective breeding and had racist legacy.
“The removal of Margaret Sanger’s name from our building is both a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood’s contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color,” Karen Seltzer, the chair of Planned Parenthood of New York, said in a statement. “Margaret Sanger’s concerns and advocacy for reproductive health have been clearly documented, but so too has her racist legacy.” The Planned Parenthood founder’s troubling embrace of eugenics — which was later practiced by the Nazis — has come into focus in recent years. (New York Post)
Before You Go
On Friday, Mr. West hit up Twitter with emotional words. Kanye said he couldn’t understand why people didn’t have deeper feelings about the thought of abortion.
“I cried at the thought of aborting my first born and everyone was so concerned about me… I’m concerned for the world that feels you shouldn’t cry about this subject. … There is a tactic of 4 D’s Distract Discredit Dismiss To Destroy I am quite alright Take a second and think about what is being projected here” -Kanye West’s Twitter
Kanye’s abortion tweets come weeks after he revealed coming close to aborting his first child North West at a South Carolina presidential campaign rally. At the event, West couldn’t hold back his tears and cried about the situation.