New York rapper 50 Cent stays going at his former pals. The hip-hop veteran went online this week with some unexpected shade aimed at estranged protégé and G-Unit member Young Buck.
50 Cent Trolls Young Buck
On Monday, Fifty hit up his Instagram page to celebrate a second season of STARZ series “P-Valley” by clowning Buck. Fif made things extra cringe by low-key referencing YB with a connection to non-binary character Uncle Cliffords.
“season 2 ok ??young buck gonna sue them for putting his life on screen. Little murder is all him. LOL” -50 Cent’s Instagram
High-Key Details
On the show, Uncle Clifford plays a major standout role. In addition to being non-binary, Cliff is the owner of a strip club and has a huge personality.
Taking in that first full-sight of Uncle Clifford (Nicco Annan) on Starz’s new hit P-Valley is a study in somewhat jarring contrasts. Owner of the strip club The Pynk, Uncle Clifford (who goes by she/her pronouns) wears a beard and traditionally female garb; she is a Black person in a position of power making a low key illegal negotiation with a white police officer; she is the non-gender-conforming boss in a space designated to celebrate heteronormative rituals; she is an ally to the girls inside The Pynk and their brutal overseer, too. From the moment she enters the screen, it’s clear we’ve just met someone who’s about to upend our world. (TV Guide)
Wait, There’s More
In mid-June 2020, former 50 Cent protégé Game went online to extend his hand to Buck. In addition to acknowledging they hadn’t talked in some time, Game promised to send him money to get him out of a financial jam.
#thegame sends #youngbuck $1000 on cash app after buck sends out video soliciting donations. Recently he documenting his financial struggles . -Akademiks’ Instagram
Before You Go
In early May 2020, G-Unit boss 50 Cent didn’t hold back on his savagery. Fifty joked about Young Buck wanting to know if this year’s gay pride parade would get nixed.
“?Hey is 2020 gay pride parade cancelled? ?asking for a friend, ?young Buck. LOL #bransoncognac#lecheminduroi” -50 Cent’s Instagram