Vixen India Love is putting her latest hairstyle to the test. The hip-hop model went online this week to share a few glimpses at herself continuing to don a stunning new head top.
India Love x Hairstyle
On Tuesday, Love went to her Instagram page with a slew of new pics. The shots feature her rocking shades of yellow and pinkish red in various modeling poses.
“✴️????” -India Love’s Instagram
High-Key Details
A few days ago, India Love made an official last-minute Woman Crush Wednesday title pitch. The popular model went online to share a batch of new pics showing off a revamped hairstyle and putting her curvy physique on display.
“I feel like flooding ??” -India Love’s Instagram
Wait, There’s More
Recently, India flooded her social media pages with tons of steamy pics. The shots featured her donning matching brown Savage x Fenty underwear.
“Brown @savagexfenty ☄️!! #savagexambassador” -India Love’s Instagram
Before You Go
Days prior, India went to Instagram to steady flex on her followers. She also encouraged fans to share a black heart emoji if they also felt blessed.
“Drop a ? if you are Blessed * #linkinmybio” -India Love’s Instagram
“Fine a**???” -Reginae Carter
“???” -Destiny Jones