Lizzo Shows Off Her Flute Skills In SZA's Instagram Live: "A F**king Vibeeeeeee"
Rap star Lizzo is nice-nice with the flute. The hip-hop star went online last night to invade an epic Instagram Live event with Top Dawg Entertainment’s SZA.
Lizzo Be Fluting
On Thursday, Liz went to her Instagram page with a few of her favorite moments. The Grammy-winning entertainer shared some must-see instances playing the flute for SZA.
“A f*cking vibeeeeeee get into itttttttttt… deep breaths y’all…… breathe in ? 1, 2, 3, 4, hold your breath for ?1, 2, 3, 4, and release for ?? 1, 2, 3, 4, ❤️?? do as many times as you need! Love u @sza thank u for inviting me into your glorious light ??” -Lizzo’s Instagram
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A fucking vibeeeeeee get into itttttttttt… deep breaths y’all…… breathe in ? 1, 2, 3, 4, hold your breath for ?1, 2, 3, 4, and release for ?? 1, 2, 3, 4, ❤️?? do as many times as you need! Love u @sza thank u for inviting me into your glorious light ??
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Lizzo and SZA got on Live together
“As your heart beats, it sends a vibration through your body. Imagine all the water and blood and organs in your body vibing to your heartbeat, like a drum.. again.. and again… The higher you vibrate, the higher your body can function. Music is a tool to get to that high vibration, it’s heart opening. Thank you @sza for letting me raise the frequency with you. Some people didn’t understand, but they gon feel it. In case you missed it, here’s something to meditate to— open yo chakras and yo mouth and sing with us!!! I promise you’ll feel better ??”
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As your heart beats, it sends a vibration through your body. Imagine all the water and blood and organs in your body vibing to your heartbeat, like a drum.. again.. and again… The higher you vibrate, the higher your body can function. Music is a tool to get to that high vibration, it’s heart opening. Thank you @sza for letting me raise the frequency with you. Some people didn’t understand, but they gon feel it. In case you missed it, here’s something to meditate to— open yo chakras and yo mouth and sing with us!!! I promise you’ll feel better ??
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Lizzo showed off her flute skills as SZA got spiritual
NSFW For The ‘Gram
On Monday, Liz hit up her Instagram page with some insane footage. In the clip, the Grammy-winning entertainer is draped in black underwear showing off her curve game.
“It’s been a long ass day ? ?? focus on a body part u don’t like about yourself and show it some love today. This quarantine has a lot of people suffering from mental health issues because we can’t get out and do our normal coping/self care routines…. self hatred was starting to creep up on me but I gotta remember I’m 110% that bitch ??♀️ love you!” -Lizzo’s Instagram
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It’s been a long ass day ? ?? focus on a body part u don’t like about yourself and show it some love today. This quarantine has a lot of people suffering from mental health issues because we can’t get out and do our normal coping/self care routines…. self hatred was starting to creep up on me but I gotta remember I’m 110% that bitch ??♀️ love you!
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Wait, There’s More
A few hours prior, Lizzo shared even more eye-opening footage to the masses. She released a clip showing off some of her most memorable 2019 moments.
“Your life can change in a year… your life could also be put on pause in a year. It’s bittersweet not being able to celebrate our milestone year together… but @quinnwilsonn@sophiaeris @cquestt@graceanneholden @theshelbyswain@iwantalexx @marko_monroe@kevinbeisler @brandoncreed@alannnnnna @anikacapozza@jemelmcwilliams @shaughnmatthew@arielleseverywhere and everyone who saw this wild journey with me… I love you! I miss you! I can’t wait to get back to work!” -Lizzo’s Instagram
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Your life can change in a year… your life could also be put on pause in a year. It’s bittersweet not being able to celebrate our milestone year together… but @quinnwilsonn @sophiaeris @cquestt @graceanneholden @theshelbyswain @iwantalexx @marko_monroe @kevinbeisler @brandoncreed @alannnnnna @anikacapozza @jemelmcwilliams @shaughnmatthew @arielleseverywhere and everyone who saw this wild journey with me… I love you! I miss you! I can’t wait to get back to work!
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Before You Go
Recently, the Houston native flexed some major black queen magic. Liz shared a look at her Marie Claire magazine cover.
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Obrigado @marieclairebr for making me your covergirl lovergirl ?
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Nascida em Detroit, uma das cidades mais violentas dos Estados Unidos, e criada sob as doutrinas da igreja evangélica, #Lizzo desafiou as estatísticas ao investir na música clássica e misturar rap com flauta. Aos 31 anos e vencedora de três #Grammys, a cantora, eleita artista do ano pela @time, estreia com exclusividade nas páginas da edição de aniversário #MarieClaireBrasil. Em entrevista à editora @batavares, falou de sua ascensão na música, de como a morte do pai, seu maior apoiador, desencadeou um quadro de depressão e da volta por cima até se tornar uma das maiores artistas da atualidade. Leia no link na bio e já nas bancas! (Fotos: @luisadorr | Entrevista: @batavares | Direção: @lauraancona | Edição de moda: @anawainer | Make: @iwantalexx | Hair: @theshelbyswain | Stylists: @jasonrembert e @marko_monroe | Direção de arte: @kakakaren_ka | Produção-executiva: @vandecazimmermann | Tratamento de imagem: @rgimagem | Animação: @masimonetti)
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