Flatbush Zombies rent out a random billboard in the middle of Colorado to promote their upcoming single “Afterlife.”
Flatbush Zombies are actually having a reasonably active year, at least in recent memory. Erick Arc Elliot, Zombie Juice, and Meechy Darko recently returned to the fold with a six-track EP called Now, More Than Ever, a drop that only served to whet the appetite for a larger project from the beloved collective. And while we have yet to receive confirmation that any such thing is coming, we have a new promising lead to go off — in fact, the Zombies are just about ready to drop off a new single, produced by none other than James Blake.
Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images
“Afterlife” is set to arrive tomorrow, complete with a brand new video. Yet it was the method of the announcement that stole the show. Taking to Twitter to unveil the glorious investment, the Zombies explain the situation as follows: “Juice got stoned and rented this random billboard in the middle of Denver. It’s the marketing strategy for our new song “Afterlife.” Video drops this Thursday. This is definitely going to work. Good work Juice.”
Well, we at HNHH applaud Juice’s stoned endeavor, though one has to wonder about the efficacy — perhaps the Zombies are about to reap the benefits of heightened awareness in the Colorado area. Either way, as long as we get some new music, everybody wins. Check back tomorrow for that upcoming Flatbush Zombies track, produced by James Blake. Are you excited to see them come out swinging with a new album?