“Kids See Ghosts” is getting animated with voices by Kanye West and Kid Cudi.
This morning has proven to be a rather exciting one if you’re a fan of the G.O.O.D Music camp, and specifically, their leader Kanye West. While he’s had his fair share of controversial views and opinions, he’s still *mostly* beloved when it comes to the things he does best: music and design. This morning, he dipped his toe once again in the latter pool, with the massive announcement and “dreams come true” type of situation with The Gap.
Kanye West revealed that he has a 10-year partnership with the once-popular brand to bring his Yeezy design, minus the sneakers, to their stores. The Gap perhaps reached its peak of popularity in the mid to late 90s/early 00s, and Kanye was one of their retail workers during this era. This partnership will surely breathe new life into the semi-struggling fashion retailer.
Now, there’s more from the Kanye camp though. Kid Cudi has just revealed a teaser for an upcoming animated TV series (at least we think it’s a series and not a one-off episode, but we do not yet have confirmation) centered around his joint project with Kanye, Kids See Ghosts. The duo released one self-titled project under the moniker thus far, however it was very well-received, and they have teased a sequel.
For the animated TV series, Kanye and Cudi are turning to Japanese artists Takashi Murakami for the direction, while the voices of ‘Kanye Bear’ and ‘Kid Fox’ are played by Kanye and Cudi respectively. As you can see in the trailer above, Kid Fox and Kanye Bear are going on a bike ride in their suburban neighborhood, when something dark and sinister begins to take over, which seems to be at the hands of this strange tree-lady. This all leads Kid Fox and Kanye Bear on a strange, wild chase.
Kid Cudi excitedly made the announcement via twitter this morning, in his all-caps tweet below.
He followed it up with some fan interaction about the series too. Check out the tweets below, and let us know if you’re excited!
We’ll keep you posted with any updates as to when and where this animated series will land.