Stevie Wonder shared a video statement in which he speaks on the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Stevie Wonder took to social media to share his thoughts on the Black Lives Matter movement and to call to action those who wish to see a change in the world. The 70-year-old music icon started off the 5 minute candid video by acknowledging the recent Black historic holiday of Juneteenth. “How did it feel to celebrate freedom that we’re still fighting for?” he asked. “It felt, and feels, too familiar.”

He goes on to point out that it took 18 years for Martin Luther King Jr. Day to be recognized as a national holiday, for which he played an integral role in getting passed in 1983. “It was a fight I was not willing to lose,” he said. “It was a fight that many of you joined, and I thank you. But here we are again, and again, and again, and again.” Stevie then recites lyrics from his song, “Visions,” before asking, “When will the day come when we let hate go?”

“If life can have an ending, all things can have an ending,” he continues. “Systemic racism can have an ending. Police brutality can have an ending. Economic repression of Black and brown people can have an ending. A movement without action is a movement standing still. To those who say they care, move more than your mouth. Move your feet to the polls and use your hands to vote. The future is in your hands. We have the power to vote, and we can make a change.”

stevie wonder black lives matter movement video twitterTheo Wargo/Getty Images for TIDAL

The legendary musician goes on to call out Donald Trump. “I hear voices on the left, I hear voices on the right. I’ve been following everything that’s being said. But what I have not heard is a unanimous commitment to atone for the sins of this country. I’ve heard the person in the highest place of this nation say there are fine people on both sides. That sounds noncommittal to me. ‘I have a great relationship with the Blacks.’ Peaceful protesters called ‘thugs.’ Immigrants called ‘rapists.’ And from the very place that civilization began—Africa—I’ve heard this Commander in Chief call it an S-H-I-T-hole. Wow. One day, you will show that you’re sorry. Because action speaks louder than words.”

“Black lives do matter,” he stated. “And this is not another digital, viral trend, moment or hashtag. It has to be the beginning of an end of all this ‘bull-tish.’ It is our lives, literally. Yes, all lives do matter. But they only matter when Black lives matter, too. You know it’s a sad day when I can see better than your 2020 vision. The universe is watching us…. I’m talking about you, I’m talking about me, I’m talking about every single body.”


