SZA addresses the viral text messages of Kanye West firing his recording engineer for oversleeping.
A text message thread between Kanye West and his alleged recording engineer was leaked onto the internet this week. The texts show Kanye allegedly asking his engineer to get to work in the morning, and after two hours with no response, Ye fired them over text and told them to “find God” and “come back when you’ve found God.”
Music fans have been reacting to the texts for the last few days, commenting on Ye’s ruthless nature, with many people theorizing that they don’t have thick enough skin to ever work with the demanding artist. SZA has officially jumped into the conversation, and it looks as though she may be working her team just as hard (or she just understands why Kanye is being so demanding).

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Reposting somebody’s “unpopular” opinion on the matter, SZA co-signed, “You don’t get ‘off the grid‘ quality of artistry without some extent of forced labor. Sacrifices have to be made for greatness. Everybody tiptoeing these days afraid to cross boundaries or to be exposed. But at the end of the day, your favorite song, your favorite shoe, your favorite garment, your favorite drink wouldn’t be created if everybody in the process was in a comfortable state. Labor takes its toll. Somebody at some point sacrificed something unwillingly for it. It’s not just the willing ones, sometimes we just need to dig our graves in order to feel alive.”
What do you think about SZA’s comments on Kanye firing his engineer over text? Do you agree with what she had to say?