Combining lyrical theatrics and high impact energy, D-Day & Marsh creates their upcoming debut LP, “Soulful Ignorance.”
Darcy Davis and Marshay Logan aka D-Day & Marsh is the hip hop duo based in Alice Springs, Northern Territory Australia. Originally coming from Alice Springs, Central Australia and Buffalo, New York respectively, the duo has a cultured sound bringing a unique blend of rap to the industry. Their paths came together after both led successful solo careers prior to their union. Marsh has four albums under his resume and D-Day’s credits includes accolades as a producer, pianist and songwriter with performances at major Australia festivals and tours with his band, Purple Patch.
United, their sound has been a constant echo at parties and clubs that depend on the duo’s bangers with catchy hooks and dope flows to create a fun environment for patrons to have a memorable experience. D-Day & Marsh has spent the last 18 months working on more music fans have come to love, and the result is their upcoming debut LP, “Soulful Ignorance” releasing on 13/6/22 with a launch party on 17/6/22. The project plays on the trope of self-consciousness in their ignorance as tracks portray a feeling of vanity that comes with a lifestyle of partying, substance use, and promiscuity. However, deeper analysis of the album shows a side of intelligence and self-awareness mixed in with spirituality to give a totally rounded album. D-Day & Marsh transitions through tracks in a manner that takes talent. From psychedelic cadence to feel-good essence, to trap bangers, to breakup melodies and party starters, to lyrical flexing with Kanye type choir samples in the background, “Soulful Ignorance” is as close as perfection gets.
Today we had an exclusive chance to interview the duo:
Where are you from?
Marshay is from Buffalo, New York and D-Day is from Alice Springs, Central Australia.
Where and how do you work best?
Generally we both work best under pressure, when there’s a deadline we both bring our A-Game especially when there’s something to prove. Our Shangrila is the Red House Recording Studio (D-Day’s Dad Bill Davis hand built it from rammed earth circa 2005) this is where we created the album and is our most inspiring workplace environment – especially when we are lit off the Lemmysee drink (our custom beverage Lemonade/Hennessy ) something about the sugar and alcohol combination seems to put us in the sweet spot for writing tunes.
Have you heard the theory that some musicians write their best music while they’re depressed or going through a bad time?
Ain’t that the the truth – I always say you either find love in a relationship or you gain a new song then discover yourself after the albums launched. We both came out of a slump around the same time and that’s what gave birth to the album Soulful Ignorance but instead of writing emo rap we channeled the energy through humour and stupidity – we don’t want people thinking about their problems while listening to the album, this is our art for people to escape to a place outside reality and enjoy ride.
What’s the best advice you ever received?
No matter what people say just keep going, there’s always gonna be haters and naysayers but generally they aren’t the ones making art and putting themselves out for criticism. All publicity is good publicity – that’s why we’re comfortable being a little controversial in an age where most people are afraid to speak their minds and express themselves.

What is still your biggest challenge?
Both me and Marsh have spent a number of years becoming comfortable with hearing ourselves on record and the bars we pen – I know we both have had cringe moments in our journeys becoming rappers but we are finally feeling good about the content we have created and for the first time feel like we have contributed something to the hip hop culture of value and substance (not just subtances). It’s always hard as an artist – sometimes you trigger people just because you are following your dream and they aren’t but if we are comfortable to grow in the spotlight and take criticism I feel we are destined to make it somewhere because of the burning desire in our heart to be rap artists – even if we are in the middle of nowhere.
What were your grades like at school?
Low A-s and high Bs – we were kinda degenerates but both smart kids. I think it shows on our record.
What is the most useless talent you have?
Marshay can make smoke appear in his mouth and vibrate his pupils and D-Day can speak Mandarin (maybe that’s not so useless) he used to say he could fart on-command.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received about your music?
D-Day: somebody called me the “One Man Music Scene” haha I dug that because I literally do most things around town from performing, producing/engineering, live sound and promotion.
Marshay “You’ve matured”
Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Marshay Alive “Anderson Paak” Dead “Juiceworld”
D-Day would love to be produced by Dr Dre or Quincy Jones.
Side note from both of us: it would be sick to actually do a track with Lil Dicky not just recklessly sample his TV show for the album.
If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?
Marshay “Chance the Rapper no questions”
D-Day “Flatbush Zombies or Childish Gambino”
What’s your best advice for handling criticism?
Marsh “Never ignore criticism always embrace it because if they are criticising that means their listening to you “
D-Day “Be careful who you take criticism from because some people just wanna take you down a few pegs because they are triggered that you are actually doing something with your life. Only take criticism or advice from someone who you wanna be like or has achieved things you aspire to.”
What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?
Marsh ” I got arrested at the Honolulu airport because my room mate left a dagger in my backpack”
D-Day “I got stuck in a hyperbaric chamber for over 3 hours because my brother forgot I was there – at least I got plenty of oxygen into my veins lol
What is your favorite song to perform?
Marshay off his solo album It’s not me its you “Yes Lawd”
D-Day “Swizzle Stick – Darcy Davis”
If you could only listen to 3 albums for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Marsh ” Malibu – Anderson Paak, Blue Slide Park – Mac Miller, Acid Rap – Chance The Rapper”
D-Day “Kendrick Lamar – To Pimp a Butterfly, Earthgang – Mirrorland, D-Day & Marsh – Soulful Ignorance”
D-Day & Marsh will be releasing the thoughtful single “Crossfire Kids” inspired by the child shootings and police brutality on Friday 10th June. Follow the duo online and get ready for one of the best albums out of Central Australia.
Pre-Order “Soulful Ignorance”:
Album Launch party: Tik Tok: