Today we had an exclusive chance to intervew Ladi Anne:
ARN: What is your legal name and age?
Ladi Anne: Larissa Anne Sodre dos Santos.
ARN: How did you come up with a stage name?
Ladi Anne: Since a little kid my friends call me “Ladi”, I didn’t even pick it, they did! I thought. Ladi Anne was cool and stuck with it for my artist name!
ARN: Where are you from?
Ladi Anne: I’m originally from a small town in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, called Santana De Parnaiba.
ARN: Why did you first start making music?
Ladi Anne: I started playing the piano when I was 6 because I wanted to copy everything my older brother Vinicius did. So he started playing piano and I did too before I even knew I actually liked it! Hahaha But thank God I did because it changed my life!
ARN: Who would you say inspired you the most, as an artist?
Ladi Anne: Growing up Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus really gave me the strength to be myself despite feeling the the black sheep in the family. I always thought outside of the box but it was too foreign for my family and the small town I grew up in. I found empathy and strength on Gaga and Miley.

ARN: Talk me through your creative process.
Ladi Anne: I live life, go and do all the crazy things I want to do, go on adventures, meditate, connect with myself and my purpose and allow inspiration to pour through when it does. I call my songs “downloads” because I rarely sit down and try to write a song, it usually goes like this: I’m living my life doing something completely random and I start hearing a song play in my head, melody lyrics and everything… I grab my phone open the voice notes and record it! Then when I get to my computer I lay a simple demo down with an acoustic instrument and then I call my producer Nathi and we get to work!
ARN: Do you remember the first rhyme you wrote?
Ladi Anne: No but I remember when I started wondering about songwriting! I was probably 7 and was in the car with my mom and we were listening to the radio and I asked her “Mom, how do these people make these songs?” She said “well, they write it!”, I go “how?” She answered “”just doing it”! That same day I started writing poems and lyrics on my little notebook!
ARN: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received about your music?
Ladi Anne: “I love that your music is just as dope as your brain”. My favorite compliment ever.
ARN: What would you have done differently if you knew then what you know now?
Ladi Anne: Nothing honestly, everything is working out best case scenario and everything had to go the way it did for me to find myself and my art.
ARN: What’s your best advice for handling criticism?
Ladi Anne: I love it! Give me all of it! I understand the more criticism or “hate” the more my ball is rolling on the positive spectrum as well! Tells me I’m doing something right!
ARN: Tell us something about you that your audience does not know?
Ladi Anne: I’ve been vegan for 7 years and love it. I speak Portuguese, English and Italian! I’m 22% African and 11% Irish according to my DNA test lol.
ARN: If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
Ladi Anne: I wish it was easier for artists to find the recognition they deserve! The truth is that even if someone is incredibly talented, if they don’t play the social media games or things like that, it’s really difficult to “make it” in this industry. I hope that throughout my career I’m able to find creative solution to change that! Social media is not for everybody and so many amazing talents are staying hidden because of that.
ARN: What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?
Ladi Anne: I want to be remembered as the artist who inspired a nation to follow their dreams. I believe if every single human alive lived doing what they’re passionate about we would have world peace. I want to contribute to world peace through that. By helping people find the courage to do WHATEVER they are passionate about no matter how crazy it may sound!
ARN: Is there anyone you would like to thank, any shout outs?
Ladi Anne: My mom, my brother, my best friend Nathi, Steve for believing in my cray vision and the whole Hallelujah Crib.
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