Music is in its most powerful form when it comes from a REAL experience/place and that’s what makes TVKU’s (@tvkuthesag) story something you need to read to believe. In a recent interview, this was direct from the horse’s mouth:
Interviewer: “I heard your girlfriend cheated on you in the most horrific way. But what’s even crazier is how you FOUND OUT? Tell me how this all relates to your music”
TVKU: “I still remember watching my parents fight, throwing vicious punches at each other. 10 years old, with my little brothers beside me who were too young to know what was going on. Soon after my mom walked out the door, slammed it shut, and never looked back. It’s heartbreaking, but my parents got divorced when I was 10 years old, and I feel like it hit my mom the worst.

I thought I didn’t care/it didn’t bother me, but growing older I realized that wasn’t the case. for some funny reason, I was ’empty’. a hollow-hearted person, I felt nothing. so I ran to music to fill up the emptiness.
As time went on and I grew older, I finally found a woman I fell in love with. And boy, did I fall HARD! I thought ‘man, I’ve never felt like this before!’.
On Thursday night, I got a call from her. The time was 10.22 pm; it was weird because she was always sleeping at this time. I picked up the phone; it was an accidental ‘butt dial’.
And on the other side, I heard her moaning. She was getting fucked by some random, and I listened right there. She quickly realized and hung up.
My heart went hollow again.. actually no.. worse. it went pitch black. since this happened, I deliberately hurt (emotionally) and scarred most women who came into my life since then.
I’m not perfect and I’m still trying to change. It’s a roller coaster of emotions you will guarantee to relate to through my work. My name is TVKU. Let’s TURN UP, Laugh, cry and grow together. fuck with me”
I think someone out there most definitely will connect to his pain. I love hearing music that comes from deep and rich experiences. It moves you. I’ve heard his work and you most definitely be moved. His Instagram is, keep up with his life. I will say he IS an introvert, so whatever little he posts appreciate it lol!